Carve Your Own Path | Nick Aaron

The ever-growing Mutt crew attracts a certain type of discerning rider. As our extended family of misfits continues to grow, we've been spending time with these dedicated Mutt owners to discover just what stokes their fire.
Nick Aaron embodies the Mutt ethos to his very core. With a hungry pursuit for the outdoors, it was only a matter of time before he joined the pack, but while Nick might be best known for his acting roles in Band of Brothers and Touching The Void, we wanted to delve a little deeper and get to know the man behind the Mutt.
We met up with the Welsh actor and headed out for a rip around Box Hill in Surrey. Within a few minutes of roaring through the trees and dappled sunlight, it was inspiring to see how effortlessly connected Nick is with his Mutt RS-13 125.

Having trained at The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art under a full scholarship with the backing of the late Richard Attenborough, Nick’s first major role was in Tom Hanks’ and Steven Spielberg’s Band of Brothers where he played Pvt. Robert ‘Popeye’ Wynn. Nick tells us he has a strong affiliation with this character, but it was his second major role in Touching The Void that perhaps struck a little deeper.
“I climbed a lot through my twenties,” he explained. “France, Corsica, Sardinia, Wales – where I grew up – The Lake District.” With multi pitch climbs in Yosemite under his belt, Nick’s no newcomer to the wilderness and solitude portrayed in Touching The Void.
This lust for putting himself against the elements was equally apparent in his riding, and it was of little surprise to learn of Nick’s huge enthusiasm for surfing. Whenever a swell is running, Nick’s out the front door and swapping his Mutt RS-13 125 for a simple ride that rocks three fins and gets propelled by waves.
As if we couldn't get any more envious of Nick’s Mutt-riding, surf-chasing, mountain-climbing persona, he also happens to be in two awesome bands; Deadbeat Delta, and Nashville Exile, whose tracks we often crank up in the workshop.

Discovering Mutt after repeated recommendations from Musician and Actor friends Nick swung by the Bike Shed show and fell for the Mutt RS-13 125 - the perfect fit for an outdoorsy rock band guy that chooses to live outside London. He can carve it round country roads, but still hit the city easily and enjoy some swift traffic weaving. After trying the 250cc on our day on the hill, Nick is now doing his full licence to move on to a bigger Mutt - more meat, more power.
After spending way longer than we expected riding around Box Hill and kicking back in the sun, we left with broad smiles and the promise of more Mutt pack hangs on the horizon.
Find out more about the Mutt RS-13 125 here or learn about our custom operations here.
Carve Your Own Path | Mutt Motorcycles